Part of the Great Commission is to disciple and to train those that have become Christians. One of the greatest tools we have to accomplish this goal in our Churches today is the Sunday School ministry. This ministry is made available, with separate teachers and classrooms for all age groups. This ministry allows us to teach and to learn the great truths and principles taught in God’s Word.
Youth Ministry
Today’s youth are in trouble. The average teen is bombarded by the promotion of sin by those in the public arena. With the doctrine of open rebellion of God’s law on the agenda for our youth, the importance of having a supportive, growing, and diverse youth group is of the utmost. Every Sunday, during the Sunday School hour, the youth leader will teach a lesson applicable to each teenager. Each lesson is geared to encourage and challenge our youth to live godly in this present world.
Missions Ministry
There are so many people in this world that live and die without the knowledge of Jesus Christ and part of the Great Commission is reaching that group of people. We are fervent in the attempt to reach our Jerusalem, while sending those, who are willing, to reach the uttermost. We are a Church that believes in missions.
Bus Ministry
Our bus ministry is a growing, vibrant ministry, which makes it possible for us to reach out in the community and bring people to Church. The bus ministry not only gives us opportunity to teach Christ to those who need a ride, but also express the love of Christ to those around us. We don’t just preach, “Go out into the highways and hedges,” we practice it.
Outreach Ministry
Here at Gateway Baptist Church, we practice an outreach program called soulwinning. Every Saturday we give our people a scheduled time to come together, and obey the Great Commission. This time slot, though not mandatory, gives our people the chance to knock on a door and invite people to Heaven.
Children Ministry
Jesus said, “Suffer the little children to come unto me.” It is detrimental to the spiritual revival of our nation that we reach the younger generation. Each week we have a Church service that takes place for the young people. They sing the praises of Jesus, they hear a Bible story, and are taught how to live for God.